Friday, December 17, 2010

Horrible Horror #15 - Silent Night Deadly Night part 2 (1987)

Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Pleasant December, whatever you wanna hear!

This time, dear viewers, we are going to tackle the hilarious monstrosity that is Silent Night Deadly Night 2 - probably one of THE most thoroughly retarded sequels to ever be made to a slasher. But oh how glorious it is.

And yes, I realized I may have mentioned earlier that I would do the Black Christmas remake, but my original plan was actually to do this AND the Black Christmas remake. However, I got to work on this late thanks to exams and whatnot, and figured that rather than stress myself, I would finish this one and keep Black Christmas for another year - that should give me an extra year to rage about it in silence and fuel me anyway, so it works out for everyone!

Enjoy your Holidays, and I hope you'll stick around come January for another exciting year of horrible Horror!

Silent Night Deadly Night part 2 is owned by Silent Night Releasing Corporation

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- Stay Scared

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Horrible Horror #14 - Leprechaun in the Hood (2000)

I shouldn't need to say this, but I'm gonna say do it right away, because I KNOW someone out there is going to think I was being serious:

The rant at the beginning is a joke. I have nothing but respect for Doug Walker and Brad Jones and their respective work as the Nostalgia Critic and the Cinema Snob, and I had great fun watching their review of Leprechaun. I merely thought a rebuttal would make for a good joke, especially since they were panning a favorite of mine to begin with. So there are no hard feelings with this - it's all a big joke.

This was SO supposed to be done a week ago, but I got a hell of a cold and couldn't record. But finally, it is here in all it's frightening glory: Leprechaun in the Hood! This is what it looks like when a "bad" series of films has a black sheep among the sequel that isn't even enjoyable.
Well, at least Warwick Davis is still fun to look at.

I hope to release two videos during december, one of which might be a little shorter than the average review, but nonetheless, I WILL get something
christmas-themed out there this year - unlike last year when all it amounted to was a hastily (and not very well) done christmas themed recommendation

But for now, happy first of December and happy whatever holiday you celebrate, and I hope to see you around for some fun during the month.

The Leprechaun franchise is owned by Trimark Pictures

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- Stay Scared

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My slasher DVD collcetion

Hey, peeps. This is just Esh showing off his not-particularly-impressive-but-maybe-insteresting-to-some-of-you Slasher DVD collection.

While I AM working on the next full review, I've just found myself with a bitch of a cold and not able to record my usual wild antics. But to keep you guys somewhat entertained in the meantime, I decided to just run through my slasher DVD collection and talk a little about each of them.

Now, a LOT of these I have already mentioned in other videos or even had as part of Top Ten lists, so if I repeat myself, my apologies. This is also not a particularly impressive collection, I know - I have watched many more (and have many more DVDs of other types of horror) than the ones I have on DVD, but DVDs are expensive here and slashers are rather hard to find when you live in a small country like Denmark.

And as you may have noted, this video is VERY long - much longer than I thought it would be. So if you don't have the patience, that's understandable. I just figured that those who were interested might get a kick out of it.

So here's hoping you'll find this a little interesting - Esh out! See you soon for my next REAL video!

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie-Brats Nightmare on Elm Street Collab - The Dream Child (1989)

A while ago, Movie-Brat at the That Guy WIth the Glasses forum sent me an invitation to take part of a review collaboration of the entire Nightmare on Elm Street series - and of course, with such an invitation, I accepted. But having already covered Freddy's Dead, I wanted to talk a bit about The Dream Child - a sequel that, while definetely not a very good movie, I think is a little bit underrated - and s this video is here to explain why I think that.

It's really not a regular episode, but I had fun making it. While the first half does still feature my usual review style, the second is a little more in-depth. This is most likely the approach I will take should I ever be part of a collab again, but regular episodes will still primarily be the movie interrupted by jokes.

So once again, thanks to Movie-Brat for inviting me, and thank all of you for watching. You can watch the reviews of the other parts of the franchise here:

Nightmare on Elm Street and all related media is (C) New Line Cinema

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Horrible Horror - Top Ten Cool Looking Killers (that you may not have heard about)

Happy Halloween everybody!

I return with a new top ten list just in time for this glorious holiday. Let me say this once again: this is a very personal list. You may not agree with all of my choices, or any of them. But this is just ten slasher characters I always thought looked great and deserve some more love.

On another note - this video is quite light on jokes for its length. I hope you won't mind that, but I didn't write it with the intention of making fun of these movies. Most of them are favorites of mine after all.

Anyway, not much else to say. Enjoy Halloween, and make sure to eat some candy for me.

All movies featured belong to their respective owners.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Horrible Horror #13 - Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985)

You know how sequels to good movies almost always suck? Well, some franchises get it harder than others.

This, my friends, is Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf. The biggest nosedive a franchies has ever taken, complete with tagline that is relevant for all but the first ten minutes of the movie. Joy!

I don't have much to say this time around, It's kind of short because I skipped a LOT of meaningless little sequences. This movie has no clue how to focus on something for more than a freaking minute.

Howling II is (c) Helmdale Films

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Horrible Horror #12 - Night of the Lepus (1972)

Of all of the ever vengeful Mother Nature's soldiers, rabbits truly are the most terrifying of them all, as this masterpiece from the early 70'oes featuring none other than Janet Leigh proves to us.

This one was a total blast. But it's hard to make nothing but rabbit jokes for fifteen minutes, I can sure as shit tell you that.

I credited the credits song to "Ozzy Fudd" because, quite frankly, I can't seem to find the actual artist's name anywhere at all no matter how much I search. If anyone knows, please do tell me and I will give proper credit where credit is due.

Night of the Lepus is (c) A.C. Lyles Productons

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Horrible Horror #11 - Terror Toons (2002)

Oh sweet mercy, what did I get myself into this time?

Well, gang, this is Terror Toons - one of the aboslute worst things I have ever seen, and it's not like I was expecting much to begin with. Bask on the glory of toon characters that aren't animated and the best porno without any sex you're ever going to see in your life.

Special thanks to my friends Andreas and Tim for helping me out with this one - Andreas for throwing shit at me and helping me with some screenshots, and Tim for some assistant voiceacting. I owe you one.

OH, I just realized I forgot to add a credit for the Frankenstein footage in the actual credits. WOW, that is bad! I will fix that on a later note. Feel free to slap me for that one.

Terror Toons is (c) Jesco Film Entertainment and Brain Damage Films

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Recently Seen Horror #06 - Waxwork (1988)

Waxwork - this has got to be the only movie where you can watch a guy in an armoured wheelchair fight Werewolves and Zombies.

Now, I remind you that these videos are unscripted. I am REALLY just sitting down ranting about what comes to mind, so if I take a shotr break or slip up my english on occasion, please bear with me.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Friday, July 30, 2010

Horrible Horror #10 - Freddys Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991)

Well, THAT only took a month and a half!

They tried to keep me down! Heatwaves, big gashes on my cheeks, tons of homeworks, birthday parties... they all tried to keep me from making videos, but even though it slowed me down, I didn't stop! I pressed on, and thus I present to you my review of the worst of what the Nightmare on Elm Street has to offer, sort of in spirit of the recent remake (which has now turned NOT so recent thanks to my delays. Ass!)

I am quite fond of how this one turned out, actually. And despite the fact that I DO strongly dislike it, at least you can get a couple of chuckles out of how stupid this one is.

My intensive spanish course will be done at the end of next week, so hopefully I should be able to speed up production again. I don't know how many times i've promised that by now, but it WILL happen sooner or later!

For now, simply enjoy the grotesque pile of garbage that is: Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare!

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Recently Seen Horror #05 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

So I went to watch the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street this thursday, and now you get the honour of hearing my thoughts about it. Aren't you all just lucky?

Now, I remind you that these videos are unscripted. I am REALLY just sitting down ranting about what comes to mind, so if I take a shotr break or slip up my english on occasion, please bear with me.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Recently Seen Horror #04 - Slaughter Night (2006)

Taking a moment to talk about the dutch slasher movie Slaughter Night (or Sl8n8) as it is called in the Netherlands). Enjoy.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

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- Stay Scared

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

-Stay Scared

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Horrible Horror - Top Ten Funniest Slasher Movie Kills

Welcome to the very first Top 10 list in the history of Horrible Horror!

I am going to make this clear here as well as in the video: This is my personal list. I could never claim to state the funniest of all time - what scares you
and what makes you laugh are far too personal for me to claim anything like that. And like I state in the video, there are still tons of slashers I haven't seen.
And if a kill you find hilarious isn't here, well, either I didn't see it or didn't laugh at it. Who knows? Some day there may be a "Ten even funnier kills".

This was really fun, but also really hard work to make, but I am very happy with the overall result. I hope you are too. It turned out a little longer than I had
hoped, but hopefully it's entertaining enough for you to want to stick around.

In other news, I now have a Twitter account, and a brand new e-mail adress that is far easier to remember where you can reach me:



All movies belong to their respective owners

Remember, you can always send me recommendations for videos at

-Stay Scared

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Super Special Galactic Awesome 1-Year Anniversary of Win - or something

The title really says it all. Thanks for a great year, and here's to another!

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

-Stay Scared

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Horrible Horror #09 - Boogeyman (2005)

Here I am once more, for once only... a month and a couple of days after the last video. Awesome!

Well, this is one I've wanted to do for a while. Boogeyman. The ultimate case of "great concept, awful execution". Honestly, how can you screw this up? It seems no one is able to get this one right WHATSOEVER.

I actually found out later that Sam Raimi produced this thing. What a waste of cash from a man who actually knows his horror. Oh well, can't win 'em all.

Enjoy the video.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

Boogeyman is (C) Ghost House Pictures

-Stay Scared

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Horrible Horror #08 - April Fool's Day (2008 Remake)

Finally a new review from me! Once again, it's a fairly short one. I probably have to admit to myself that this one didn't lend itself so well to jokes as I thought it would, but here it is.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

April Fool´s Day (2008) is (C) 360 Pictures

-Stay Scared

Monday, February 15, 2010

And so, I finally return to the reviewing game, just barely in time for Valentine to give you the single most boring film ever to feature a burnt-faced maniac, namely the absolutely terrible Honeymoon Horror.

This episode actually turned out a lot better than I thought, and it is way shorter than most of the others - I could say that this is because I took your critique to heart and summarized better, but honestly... I really covered everything that happened. It's that boring.

This alost didn't get made. I spent half the day trying to get Movie Maker to render it right without smacking a big fat load of green on the movie clips - so now it just barely makes it to the 14th. You better appreciate my stubbornness, folks!

Anyway, enjoy the new review and the new background in my new room - I shall see you later!

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

Honeymoon Horror is (C) Omega Cinema Productions

-Stay Scared

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why I haven't been around... again.

Yeah, the video and the title speaks for itself.

Remember, you can always send me suggestions for videos at

-Stay Scared